Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Making proper puppets in Flash

Hello. It's been a while again, I know.
I have been trying out the bone tool in Flash CS4, as in theory, this should make my life a lot easier. It also means I will probably be making this all in Flash. So if you are a good flash coder, you can expect some cries for help from me.

Here is a little nosey at the basic male puppet. I will probably animate this and rescale it for different characters(if I have any) and for children. Then I will add different items of clothing to each of the movieclips. e.g. a hat on the head.

I'm still have a few problems with this puppet, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and get some help from the lovely online community (who also seem to be having problems with skeletons).

Hopefully will post a walk cycle or something else in a few days.

Cheers :D

